Welcome David McDonald - Creative Consultant
Welcome David McDonald - Creative Consultant

Stay informed

Here you will find the latest information on what I've been upto and any exciting plans for the future. 

Platform to Health

Platform to Health is a new arts & health programme that will bring together a wide range of exciting arts, music and writing projects under a single cohesive structure for the benefit, health and well-being of the communities in the East and North of Glasgow.


Platform to Health will also introduce new programmes of work starting over the next few months and the programme is working towards delivering an International Conference in the spring of 2015.


I'm delighted that I will soon be undertaking the co-ordination and expansion of this exciting programme. I believe it will not only continue to make a real difference to participants lives but the new programme will give all this great work a critical mass that over time will have a clear impact on the health and well-being of the communities of East and North Glasgow.


Watch this space for further updates.

Contact and Appointments:

David McDonald 

Creative Consultant


+44 (0) 7715 976 707



david.mcdonald AT



Please also use our contact form.

Office Hours:

Open early to late!


Platform To Health

Platform to Health is an new arts & health programme in the East and North of Glasgow that brings together a range of exciting arts, music and writing projects under the Platform to Health banner. Read more.

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© David McDonald - Creative Consultant